Term & Condition

Jinanand Research Analyst, a proprietor firm of Rajesh Jain, a SEBI Registered Research Analyst (SEBI Regn. No. INH000008215). These terms of use will govern your use of the website www.jinanand.com and the services provided through it. For the purposes of this Terms of Use, Service shall mean and include, without limitation, access to all, one or some of the following: – HTML Code, software, products, information, articles, all research or recommendation service whether published or made available by Jinanand Research Analyst. By accessing the website and the services, you agree and accept the terms of use mentioned here in. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should immediately stop using the website and the services.

The following are the terms of use:

1. By assessing this website, you warrant that you are legally allowed to use the website and the services.

2. We provide recommendation on stocks listed on Indian stock exchange only. The recommendations are based on our internal research process, which may change without any notice to the subscribers or users.

3. Our Services should not be interpreted an advertisement to buy / sell any securities or assets.

4. We will not be, directly or indirectly, responsible if a User uses our Services and the user is a citizen or resident or located in place outside India, specifically a resident of the United States of America (USA) or Canada. We are not registered with any other regulator of any other country except with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

5. The services provided through this website are on “As is” basis. We disclaim any expressed or implied warranties and guarantees.

6. The information provided through this website is believed to be reliable and from a reliable source but we do not but we do not warrant its completeness and accuracy and disclaim all kinds of warrantees.

7. We may source information from third party websites, including company websites and documents but we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness.

8. The Website and Services may contain third party website links. On clicking the links the User will leave this website and will be directed to the third party website. The User will be bound by the third-party website’s terms and conditions. We will not be responsible for the contents of any third-party website or any link contained in third party website, or any changes or updates to such sites. We will not be directly or indirectly liable or responsible for any loss that may arise to the User as a result of the user accessing such websites.

9. The Services provided herein are for User’s personal and non-commercial use. The Users should use the information and the website at their own risk. We will not be responsible for any loss or liability incurred by the User on using the website and the services.

10. We are not Investment Advisors (IA) as well as do not provide Portfolio Management Services (PMS). The informationshouldnotbeconsideredasaninvestmentadviceorpersonal recommendation or take into account user’s investment objective or financial situation. The Users should rely on their own research and analysis and should consult their owninvestment advisors to determine the merit, risks and suitability of recommendation.

11. Past performance is not a guarantee for future performance or future results.

12. The User is hereby granted the right to use the Service in accordance with these terms, and for no other purpose. All the information contained on this Website and the Services are Copyrighted works and are owned by Jinanand Research Analystand are protected by Copyright, Service Marks and Trademark laws, and other proprietary rights under the laws of India. By using the service, you agree to abide by all applicable laws. We shall be entitled to obtain such reliefs and remedies for any violation of our intellectual rights. Any act of copying or distributing the information or Services in part or in full, for any purpose, without my permission, is strictly prohibited and would be a copyright infringement. Users, who violate the laws, will be liable to be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.

13. If any User wishes to get access to our services, whether free or paid, the User needs to subscribe to our Services. At the time of subscription, the User will be required to mention the personal details including the bank account details or credit card details. The User agrees to provide true, correct and complete details. It will be the responsibility of the user to notify us immediately of any change in the personal information. The User agrees to not impersonate any other person or use false name.

14. Once the user subscribes to our Services, the user agrees to receive SMS, e-mails, or calls regarding our services, including research recommendations and various promotions offers.

15. We reserve the right to deny or not permit any User or subscriber from accessing our Services or Website, whether in part or full. We also reserve the right to terminate theUser’s account if any personal information is untrue, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, out-of-date or infringes or violates the rights of any person or third party or is defamatory,offensive or is in any other way improper or inappropriate.

16. The user agrees not to upload or transmit through the website and/or the Services any computer viruses, macro viruses, trojan, worms or anything else designed to interfere with, interrupt or disrupt the normal operating procedures of a computer.

17. The User agrees to not upload or transmit through the website and/or the Services any material which is defamatory, offensive, or of an obscene or menacing character or that may cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

18. The User agrees to not attempt any unauthorised access to any part of the website and/or the Services.

19. We reserve the right to change, amend, add, delete or modify these terms of use without giving any notice to the Users.

20. User agrees to indemnify and hold me, my employees, associates and third-party service providers indemnified against any loss, liability, damage, action and claims due to or  rising out of User’s use of this website, the Services, the violation of any intellectual property or any other right of any person or entity.

21. We shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or typographical errors, disruption delay, interruption, failure, deletion or defect of/in the Service provided by us.

22. We may use online payment gateway system or any other payment gateway system for processing the payments for subscription of services from time to time. By using a credit/debit card to pay for our services, the User confirms that the card being used belongs to the User. All credit/debit card holders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. We do not save or store any credit card information of any User on any of our servers. This information is processed by the payment gateway. We request the user to keep the passwords safe with them and do not share the same with anyone.

23. The subscription fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.